Trafic light

There is a great use of many type families presented on all pages. The bold Helvetica font entices the audience to red the tagline 'we create new web'. Applying capitals gives a sense of power to the headings and tag lines. Upper case letters are used to signify shouting or offer posters the ability to encourage customers to take a course of action
Design navigation and animation
The designer has done a professional job at presenting a massive vertical navigation bar. The scale of the text makes the process of navigating through the website is easy. The pop up menu features a nice transition that makes the navigation look smoothe.

However, the navigation bar on the home page looks slightly out of place. The other pages feature a horizontal navigation bar on the top of the page whilst the home page navigation is postioned at the bottom. Although it can work if there is enough striking elements that causing the navigation bar to be the 2nd focal point, having just a white background for the links does not achieve that.

Responsive design

When I scaled down the website, both the Iphone and the Ipad website were professionally designed. One of the dramatic changes in the design is the navigation. The image below presents the home button on the top right of the banner. The left section of the header features a navigation drop down menu leading to all sections of the site. Being a fixed navigation bar causes it to be seen at all times, therefore, making the process of navigating to other very quick.
Having the text centrally justified is another great typography feature. Justifying the text cleanly presents the content to the user. The font and and the content are highly legible and readable on both iPad and iPhone
The layout on the desktop and the Ipad versions are very simliar in certain aspects. There are 3 image c presented on the row on both versions. It common for Ipad sites to only have two columns but the designer has chosen to make the image florid. The image seen on the Ipad are smaller compared to the computer website.

Skokunin is a very imaginative website with relevant content and very effective use of colour and typography. The home page reveals a detailed illustration of a waiter that acts as metaphor for serving a great web service. The background features red but there are slightly faded web themed illustrations to enable the user to figure out the website's theme and products.
As for the content, I enjoyed the concept of using puns make this website look comical. The word 'Can I take your order' is a link that would apply ordering food. However, this leads the users to an application for hiring the web services.
Typography is one of its boldest components. Presenting one font's type families makes the website look consistent and simple. The headings feature bold character whilst body content feature the regular letter forms.
The colour conveys a sense of happiness and power. In context red is often is to assoicate China and its food. The colour compliments with the comical theme and compliments the yellow and white. Against a white background, the red comes across as elegant.
The interactive page is the most engaging part of the website experience. The image shown below is an image gallery positioned inside a graphics tablet illustrations. Although the section needs captions to explain each picture, the detail and the visual imagery makes this one of the most memorial parts of the website.
Responsive design
Responsive design
I generally think that the phone and the graphics tablet website is very engaging. The header only reveals the tagline and the link that takes the user to application form. The empty white space makes the content very visual. The website is quite text heavy but the spacing on the phone site creates relationships between the image and the content more than the content website.
As for the layout, the Ipad version cramps the content and images together. Websites with cramped information maybe off putting.
Navigation and interactive elements

However the navigation is quite unusable when viewed on the phone and a graphics tablet. When the 3 lined button is press, the website presents a new page with the primary links. However the illustrations overlap the links, making the text illegible.
I thought to get some retro design inspriation, I decided to conduct some research onto a retro designed website. When I entered the webs page, my initially thought the design was very vibrant. The colour scheme generally signify nature. The use of pale and strong great offers the design great depth and elegancy. The complementary colour red is draws the audiences' eye to the tag line and the brand name.

Having a search for info button enables the user to explore secondary information. The boxes containing them feature a simple heading and a brief description about the image. This may prompt the user to select the link and navigate to the related page. Overall it is a great concept but I think it may divert the audience from the path. Having too many pages causes the navigation process to be bit confusing. My solution to the issue is to present a box with a short paragraph but there should be a button that reveals the remaining content.
Navigation and links

The positioning of the social media website links could cause people to leave the website. Social media links are OK but they should the last part of the hierarchy. I would advise the design to place the links down to the bottom of the page.
Although the navigation bar resembles the one analysed in the article, there a problem with the programming. When viewed on the Ipad, there is no navigation bar and no site map. This makes it impossible for either the Ipad or the Iphone user to navigate. This will prompt them to leave the website.
Design and responsive design

Typography is
Responsive design

I do enjoy the concept of not adding too many characters per line on the Iphone version. The phone site reveals 1 column of information. However the scale and the choice of font causes the content maintain the audience's attention.
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