Sunday 15 December 2013

Now research into branding guidelines

I have briefly touched on about what to include into a guideline and defining it. Today is the research. 

Jamie Oliver’s branding guidelines

Jamie Oliver is a well known TV personality that specialises in cooking. The individual presents cooking based programs on multiple channels and operate a chain of restaurants and food products. This is one of many branding guidelines. 

This first page of the documentation provides a clear insight of the context of the guideline. It basic reveals that the document aims to provide specific instructions on about producing food materials with his name on the label. Overall the introduction is effective because it keeps it to the brief and uses a good modern serif typeface. 

Through out the document, the colour iconicity signifies a fresh feel. The chroma and value on some colours are significant enough to allow Jamie Oliver’s branding guideline to suggests that his products are fresh and organic. This shows me that the colour needs to correspond with the themes of the brand or book(in my case). 


The brand’s values is a key aspect of allowing designers to convey the right feel in their designs. The documentation provides a short paragraph of what the chef believes in.  To clearly demonstrate his beliefs, there is a clear list containing the values. ‘Honest and Challenge-being direct’ is a great example of values that demonstrates that the final design should not misleading and is able to engage the customer. 



The documentation gives very specific guides the use of typography. The guidelines states that the product name should uppercase Futura to ensure legibility and clarity. It also justifies why it should be only applied in this circumstances, which is to make a classic feel. There displays the many typefaces in this particular font. The demonstrates the justification clearly to the designers.

The serif font should be only use for the content in lower levels of hierarchy, such as the product description, to ensure that the content is clear and eligible even at small size. 

Before I move onto the next example, I want to strongly mention the logo. To clearly show to the designers that this is only logo design should only be inserted into the product design. There is a precise  and comprehendible grid that shows people what do display as the logo. I think that this is really essential because designers need to a designer need clearly product a design representing the brand. 

Book guideline and what not to do 

John Wiley and Son is a famous book publisher that has a unreadable branding guideline. There is a website delicate to inform authors about the book dimensions, the submit ion process and other essential information. Instead of presenting the information with images and typography that looks natural to the eye, there are loads of paragraphs of content with not drop caps, start points and clear graphs. This method of presenting guidelines is unreadability because of those things mentioned above. The content even includes a detailed paragraph about copyright. 

times that focuses on logo. The documentation consists of a simple table of contents that allow the reader to find specific information. Many of the subheadings in the content’s page suggests that this primarily informs designers how to present the logo.

This is a clear diagram on what colours to apply in order for the design work to meet the brief. The image must have a logo showing a black or white square on a square that makes the characters leigible. The specify given this colour scheme to ensure that the logo’s colour scheme does not clash. I would say that they should include hexadecimal, RBG and CMYK values to ensure that the designer implement the precise colours. 

There is a section of documentation that is an interesting. Two company logos can be inserted into a co-advert but they have to be smaller than the Financial Time’s logo.

 However there are multiple choices for the positioning of these logos. These images can be positioned on a horizontal line if the detailed content is positioned on the lower half of the image. Information earlier in the document that all logos should located with distance of 5%  away from the image’s border. (margin).

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