Sunday 8 December 2013


As I have presented my second pitch I just as well review the performance and the feedback. Compare to the last attempt, I feel this presentation was more professional and did not feature the level 3 structure . I went into less detail about my research and thoroughly talked about my development, including art inspirations. I felt that people understood my art director due to me describing my graphics and justifying my decisions.  The overall presentation theme was enhanced due to the use of American sign positioned on a semi plain background. Having a simple background was less distracting for the audience and enabled my text to be viewed.

This feedback was very constructive, therefore I found it useful to take note. The overall impression of this pitch was very positive. The compliments included me keeping number of slides to a minium, taking about my inspirations, well prepared and showing very good mock ups. 

As they were mock ups, there were bound to be things that my peers liked, and ideas that did not work.  Many of my peers thought that I have thought outside the box by making the imagery not having a clear relationship with the story. Some liked the idea of them guessing what the image is showing.  The overall American sign feel, colour scheme and designs were both complimented by many peers. One peer thought that my visual language skills are advancing because I add graphical elements that just makes the design look captivating. 

As for improvements, some people rightly said that the second mock up should have a better image of the Greaser. To a more of important note, a peer who is not familiar with the books said that having the Greaser on the font cover is too overpowering and unclear. Although some type design needed to improve, I strongly stressed during the presentation that these fonts were not my final choices.

From this point, I am doing more research into book covers and art work from retro designers to get more ideas. Hopefully this will be done within a week. 

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