Sunday 1 December 2013

Why not What A Carve Up and other 1980's art.

Just after we were given the brief, immediately purchase both books. Unknowing that I had to understand both book to get the visual into my head an then process them into mind maps. I managed to read The Outsiders(reason in the previous post). and then What A Carve Up.

I have already mentioned the summary and context of the book in the previous post. When read the content in the book, I thought that What A Carve is a very political driven book. It uses many iconic signifiers that symboliseis presents the Margret Thatcher Era and the upper class society of this country.

The introduction of the book  reveals the names of the  Winshaw family members. Names like Mortifer  are generally upperclass names that immediately think the plot focuses on the rich family.  I thought that the introduction of the story was too long, therefore, it started to loose my attention before the main story started. 

A sign of relief occurs when the story focuses on a journalist who depises Hilary Winshaw.  From this point of the story, I knew that plot involve this person exploring the Hilary and her family. After the section where Fiona and Michael Owen interacts with each other, I though that the story was already too long. To encourage myself to read the book, I search for a summary on the site to help me understand the rest of the story. I attempted to read through the story but the long lengtht of the chapters discouraged me to follow the story. 

Not being able to read the book completely was the primary reason that I decided to develop a book cover for The Outsiders. Producing a cover for a book that was uninteresting and did not allow me to get inspiration would have caused me to create a design that does not meet both the University's and the Puffin Book's brief.

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