Sunday 17 November 2013

Famous Artist from the and Photographers 1950's ( artwork inspired by the mid 20th century)

Artwork inspired by 1960's Chris Gall

At this time, I have already read The Outsiders and I took the decision to create a book cover for this story. To help me with my development, I need to analyse mid 20th century art and photographers.  I will justify why I did not create a book for What a Carve Up.

 This is a surf style type of artwork with a 1960's feel. The iconic signifiers of the 1950's are the vehicle and the graphical elments. The image features 1950's style of car having surfboards on the roof. The connotes that mid 20th century was a period when the surf culture was first popularised.  The image has a style of a comic because the rectangles represent the sun light, which is usually used in classic comics. 

The overall design gives a sense of calmness due to the use of sunset and the trees. Although the colour scheme is striking, the blue compliments the yellow and allows it to blend well.

Another Striking characteristic of Chris Gall's work is the shadows. Zooming into the image reveals that shadows are stripes rather than solid shapes. 

Emiliano Ponzi has successfully made the design represent 1950's-60's America by inserting a mid 20th century building and a car.  I can see that the poster uses iconic symbolisers: a bear, people and a bear. The image shows couple driving a car with a bear as passenger.  This connotes that the company has been providing very exciting road trips that allow people to see the wild life for 25 years 

The imagery of the advent features historic objects. American muscle cars in this period feature one wheel that is mostly covered by the exterior shell and massive lights at the front of the car.  All of the American iconic 1960's signifiers combined enable the advert to use of a retro feel to inform the audience the 25th Anniversary. 

 Anther iconic signifier that symbolises this country is the route sign. This is a route sign  The design of the sign is generally associated with the 1960's because they make appearances in movies set in the period, like The Outsiders. No other country in the world does use this symbol for guiding traffic. People living in non-English countries who use different symbols for their alphabet may not know the word 'route'.

Unlike the other examples, this poster features vintage designed text that provides a retro feel. This poster is a message for  people who want better luck with their lives. The two most recognisable arbitrary signifier that symbolises America are the typefaces with curly letters' the luckeir'  and that resemble tire marks. The curly text on a donative level  were commonly used on American diners' signs, this therefore, enhances the American retro feel. The style of the other font has a characteristic of a burnt tire marks due to the style of the serifs. The design of the brackets and serif enable the text to achieve this effect. The design is relevant because burnt tires symbolises a period where gangs used to drive their cars at a fast pace to win a race.

These is another piece of artwork that is inspired by the mid 20th century graphic styles, colour and typography. The image on the right feature iconic imagery that signify a well known product that is generally used to store a drink. The image shows stacked up cups that has text written on them. The arbitrary sign, the text, suggests to the reader that coffee is the tool for waking people up. 

As for the imagery, the lighting effects give the cups' design depth. The Gestalt principle, continuation, occurs on both sides of the cup. The design attribute is implemented  to ensure that the audience's eyes are compelled to view the cups and  read the text. 

Other Materials

A famline woman smoking and sitting down
next to a type writter

A girl posing with 1960's styles of clothes

All of these images featured typography and elegant graphics styles inspired by the fifties. Majority of the typography  seen use the gestalt principle known as continuous. They compels the audience eyes to follow a path through worlds. This occurs in the first the poster featuring a woman smoking. The script designed typeface uses curves to entice the reader to read the rest of the word.  On the third poster though, the curve of the feathers catches the attention of the reader and compels to read the word 'Barely legal oc'. 

The second image of famous products from this period features very bold slab serifs. The typography is legible because there is enough kerning between the characters. It offers readability because the colour of the second letters creates an anomaly. To me an elegant designed book covers will enable me to produce book covers that appeal to children.  

1960's photographers

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange was a well known photographer who took photoshop of poor people living in shany towns. All of her photos taken also represents her traumatic experiences of feeling abandoned by her father. The emotion conveyed in the photos usually range from sadness to hopelessness.  

The photo on the right shows the location where people live on very poor section of the wealth scale live. The  connotes people with no money available having to wear ripped and dirty clothes and live in buildings made of spare wood in order to survive. All three people have  face expressions that show a sense of hopelessness due to the American depression causing them to struggle to collect food and gain money to keep warm. This type of image is  featured in history books about the depression. Now they are regularly used to make a charity poster look very emotional and shocking to potential donators. 

The image only features black and white. Cameras created during the depression were not capable of allowing people to take coloured photographs. In a way, this characteristic reinforces the emotional theme, especially sadness. To take this photo, she must of had to make the people to give her permission. To get the most emotional shots, she must taken lots of photographs and then chose the most effective one. 

In contrast this photograph shows sense of happiness.  This image uses the iconic signifiers, a happy girl and a ball, to create an big and emotional impact. These signs form a picture that shows a girl playing  basket ball with her friend. In a way, this creates a sense that poor children band together to enjoy their hostile life. 

The lighting effects makes the children the main focal point. The photographers aim with this effect is to compel the audience to view the children's faces and their emotions. As this photo features a lot of children, the layout looks very busy. 

Declan Haun

Declan Haun is another great photographer who was often known for showing respect for people who appear in the photographs. He was devoted to show passion for social and culture subjects and the 'process of photography' by crafting high quality prints that evoke the topic. 

This photo represents The Civil Right Movement for Black Americans. Black Americans in North Coalina started protesting to the local authorities to tell the government they have the right to justice. The arbitrary signifier, justice, is a powerful element on the photograph that tells a story of a woman feeling angry about the exile of Robert Williams. This photo of a woman holding a piece of paper looks very sad and in a way makes the audience feel angry about the people discriminating other races of people.


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