Tuesday 5 November 2013

Feedback from crit

This was the ordinal version of the poster
Criting my final product to my peers was a nice and useful experience. Overall the poster received very good reviews for my tagline, colour scheme, imagery and composition. I was mainly complimented for making an elegant art style that appeals to the right target audience and including a right range of colours to accompany the imagery.  There is a large contrast between the female and light green background. Many of my peers liked how a combination of red and dark brown was used on the heart to make it look dynamic.

The strongest aspect of the design was the woman. One of my peers complimented my ability to use a large size stroke to make a bold outline.  He admired by ability use the gestalt feature, closure, to develop a very realistic nose.


The main criticism received was main about the features on my typography looking ineffective. I inserted brown and red cogs and wheels onto the stems of Fulfillment, and Enjoyment in order to enhance the Steampunk feel. Unfortunately the audience only saw them as brown blobs therefore the I had no choice but to delete them. However, as the peers realised that the bulbs on the word passion stood out, therefore, they suggested to me to apply the characteristic onto the other text.

The size of the other text was the other issue that my peers. It was basically too small for people read. 

To solve this issue, these are the changes I am going to change including justification

As you can see the cogs on the text are not visible
  • Wheels on the typography- To improve this aspect of the design I am going to delete the brown and red cogs and duplicate the orange bulbs.
  • Alter the size of the text to make the text more legible. 

No  changes

I am not changing the font because the geometrical shapes enables the text to come across as metal structures. 

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