Monday 14 April 2014

The Brief for Website

Continuing with the subject of reefs, the new brief requires me to present the information accumulated for an E-pub book on a responsive website. The term, responsive, is a key term that suggest that the site must be accessible on phone, graphics tablet and desktop. Although this is another project, the website should have the same overreaching theme as the Ibook. 

The technical specification of this task includes structuring the page using HTML5 and CSS3 in either Text Wrangler or NotePad ++. Creating the interactive elements and some aspects of the navigation system would involved using Jquery. A framework has been given to produce a website for the audience to get information about nature. 

Planning is a key aspect for this task. It requires the following points:

  • Plan your time and the different phases of the project with a detailed production schedule 
  • Find and analyse examples of ‘Responsive’ web design including examples of different Navigation Design Patterns currently used in industry
  • Visual research, which contributes to devising the look and feel that is consistent to all of your finished output.
  • Design the graphical style, interactivity and elements of visual language that will be consistent to all of your finished output.
  • Undertake design and technology research into developing content for responsive websites.
  • You will produce evidence that the html and css for your website pass validation tests from W3C
  • You will produce evidence that your website passes accessibility checks
All of these phrases have to be completed in meet the standards of the brief. 

To respond to these requirements, the blog and post will include content that demonstrates the task listed below.

  • Time management
  • Conduct thorough research into websites, technology and theoretical work
  • Planning, including defining the audience, device and problem
  • sketching layouts, diagrams and storyboards
  • User testing
  • Logging the coding and production
  • There is other task to perform as well

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