Friday 9 May 2014

Time management 2

My time management for this week has been professional. I have been able to adapt to the presentation date change and still completed the planning stage of the site. The process after the presentation was starting on the graphics. However, to ensure I get the right image size right, I took my mock ups and started inventing the div tags. On the same page, I wrote down the necessary div classes for all sections and graphical elements on the site. This list of classes will act as a checklist that will enable me to prevent myself from writing dirty code.

With the task completed, I focused on developing the retro style illustrations on Friday. So far I have managed to create navigation buttons, and some picture frames. The only things to complete is the hover images and the fade illustrations for the background. This process will not take long because the sketch book features all of my designs that compliment the website theme.

On Saturday I will experiment with a fixed navigation bar using JQeury and Javascript.  The other more difficult graphical elements, such as animation and sprites will be tested on a dummy website. This will enable me to fix plugins' flaws and change their designs to suit my website. In terms of time management, this will prevent me from wasting

With the checklist and the experiments, building the website should be quick experience.

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