Friday 2 May 2014

Time management

Hi all. This is my time management post that will offer you information about the task completed already.
This is the consolidated schedule that shows that now presentation is now on the 6th of may 

The date of the presentation had to be delayed by a week due to one of the peers not being able to attend. I was suppose to present on the tuesday or  Wednesday but the tutor was not available. As a result, the presentation is now on the following Tuesday. This is slightly problematic because I reserved a week to prepare my graphical assets and plan all of the dimensions. In response to this problem, I have focused in creating very detailed wireframes and mock ups to get the feel and look of the website. Generally, I still need to prepare to plan my website to ensure that I create the digital assets before the digital conference.

Previously, I have conducted research on a wide range of design websites and technical content. I have finished the visual research into existing responsive websites and the retro styled websites. Overall, I have logged some very important topics of designing a website.

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