Monday 14 October 2013

My Development story part 1: Ideas and visualistation

Steampunk is the final choice due to the
metal feel and interesting imagery
I have finished the planning aspect of the design. Now I am focusing inserting the final touches on my presentation for Wednesday.

Moodboard-general ideas

After the research, I was still undecided which art theme to use. So what I did was that created moodboards and visual brainstorms and mind maps containing simple ideas. Mood-boards helped me to use my inspirations and put onto a sheet in my sketch book.  I decided to do all of this first in order to get a rough idea what visual language would be  included for each style. The only one I did not do was book covers because I do not have a passion for book covers, therefore, this would have wasted my time if developed my ideas for this style. 


To prevent me from deviating from brief, I decided think good and bad aspects of science. This enabled me to think of relevant taglines that would most likely meet the requirements of the brief. I also brainstorm the demographic and  topics in science to develop relevant imagery, such as Bunsen burner.   Just yesterday, I managed to complete my main brainstorm for my first idea. Please see tomorrow my idea and justifications. Hopefully I will finish the sketches (thumbnails) on Saturday in order to help me to prepare for the presentation on Wednesday.

After getting an overveiw what steampunk looks like in a mood board and what is science.  I generally though of general and creative ideas that are associated with steampunk. Using the terms from science, I adding ideas from science. 

Justification of why I did not chose these styles

Sci-fi: Due to the agressive imagery, I could not think of ideas of early science fiction that would have not appealed to young female students in the 16-18 age demographic. 

Victoriana- Although I have seen lots of comical drawings using this style, I was not appeal to this because I though that the drawing style was too elegant. I could not imagining  the poster appealing to men if it just came across as familine. 
Pop art is very vibrant
 but the typography
was very to decide

Pop art: I did developed some ideas for the art theme because I wanted make-sure that if steampunk does not work with the overall design at least I got another style to use as a backup. However, a decision was made not to use this style because I thought that the comic styled text inside the poster did not look right. I wanted text that looked sketched to ensure the design came across as dynamic. 


typography brainstorm

Typography developed

All of these fonts were chosen due to their historic characteristics. Whist coming up with the font ideas, I took some images from existing artwork and I found that majority of the font uses are thick serifs.  I wanted to incorporate imagery used in existing steampunk work and then incorporate the imagery into the text's interior to make my poster represent the word 'steam', which symbolises the industrial revolution and stream trains.  

I have made decision to make my own text in Illustrator because there are 4 fonts that are associated with steampunk but each one have their weaknesses The best fonts from the above are Circus, Little Snorax and Zantroke. Here is my justification. 

Circus- This font has historic values because circuses were very popular in the mid 19th century. The text is given great depth due to the shadows being applied underneath the letters. This feature alone would make the text noticeable.  However, the large serifs are flawed because they are distracting due to their detail and too large. When scaled down, the large serifs would make the text illegible. 

Little Snorax- The patterns featured inside the text interior influenced me to pick this font as a possible candidate when I was searching for typography in  This font captivated me because the patterns help me to think of an idea of applying text with mechanical features like pipes and steampunk patterns, like the image above. 

Zantorke: This is the most basic font but clearest font to read.  Thick slab serif fonts are very noticeable when they scaled largely on posters due to the thick stroke. However, steampunk artist use fonts that look geometrical, which were regularly used in Victorian times like Baskerfile. 

Fat Tads: The main characteristic that really draws my eye to the text is the long curly line. It uses continuation that compels the viewers' eyes to read through a letter or object a

final designed text:

These are the overall sketches of typography that I intend to use for my tagline. I want to incorporate the all of the chosen typography from the list above to make the font design feel vintage and relevant to the art style.  The overall design of this will include bowls that look geometrical, steams that feature patterns inspired by steampunk like pipes, wheels and nuts. In addition, I want the last letter of the tagline to feature a long curly line that leads to the image woman to compels the audience to view the imagery after reading the tagline. I will include some shadows to make the design feel dynamic.


This is a from a website shows woman being
powerful on steampunk work 

To appeal to the young female audience to choose science, I want to create a powerful image of a strong but elegant woman scientist who shows that science it suitable woman.

Test tube with wheels

To represent the chemistry aspect of the topic, I have included an idea of having science equipment featuring steam and wheels.  The use of a unusual designed science equipment like test tubes containing would make science as an interesting topic that can be explored. I would like to use this idea for a poster that features fun experiments. 

Background blue prints

For a changing the world theme, I would include sketches of futuristic transportation. This would ensure to people that science is always involving and it is a great idea to be part of the changing face of the world.  This message will give students an exciting prospect that they would be inventing something new and inventive. 

This is general image featuring sketches relating to steampunk. I have also put in colour squares to help me coming up with a colour palette and fonts that I think of Steampunk. This helped me with coming up with creative symbolisers.


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