Tuesday 22 October 2013

Part 3 of design story: mock ups and change of taglines

Mock up sketches

To give a clear overview of what my poster should feature, I originally showed  my peers of two examples of the poster design. However since that point, I have developed more ideas to improve their design and new concepts. These are very basic and do not represent the final product.

This is now the first concept.

A sketch with layout and tagline that I will not be

As for the alterations, I have included another tagline that is straight to the point and emotional. The new tagline is Don't let the heart of Science die. This powerful tagline will accompany an image of a mechanical heart producing steam. This signifies that science will die if there are no new students that come to take science. This message also conveys that people of tomorrow will die if this happens. To appeal to a female audience, the poster will still feature a female scientist.

A simple overall of what poster will try to promote.

Sign: A science poster

Damaged heart


Advert stresses to students, particularly females, if they want science to live, they need take topic

Medicine shows that students are the cure
Smoke shows that the heart is damaged
Tagline: emotional  (metaphor)

Second concept

On the other end of the scale, I created a new idea promoting science as a subject that is really interesting and fun to students. To achieve this, I thought of a tagline that suggest that all 3 sub topics in science allows students to explore interesting things. This would include changing a flower to change colour, create steam as a power source for a machine and inspecting animals, such as butterflies. The imagery would include a planet to fit with tagline.

Sign: A science poster

Bright colours


A fun looking advert that suggest science is a very interesting topic to enter due to the experiments.

To suggests to students that science allows them to explore new horizons, leading to an interesting career.
Always evolving.
Tagline is a metaphor that makes the message look captivating

Third idea

The third poster includes a concept that promotes science as powerful. This is represented by a steampunk like balloons, test tubes and other science equipment exiting the metal heart. This gives a sneak preview to students science is always evolving and being part of the industry would be an interesting experience.

Sign: A science poster


A sketch with another possible layout design

A powerful advert showing students a possible career if they take the course

'Power of Science'  makes science courses sound interesting to explore. Choosing the course would allow female and male college students to gain advance skills for their career. 
Tagline is a metaphor that makes the message look captivating

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