Tuesday 8 October 2013

Yeah more Steampunk

As the previous blog would have been too long if it had other examples, this is the second part.  This post therefore includes more information about the artists and designers, including their work.

The design element that really draws my eyes is the unusual concept of Victorian characters wearing 20th century technology on their custom. It comes across as very artistic, which comes across as elegant, and the texture used allows the drawings to convey historic values.  The comedy setting, which is represented by the woman drinking tea whilst flying in the air, provides a fun atmosphere and a sense of imagination for the viewer to experience.

What draws me to Brian's style of work is the use of different shades of colours and the character comical design. The character featured on the right has a comical face expression thats make the audience focus on the face and the usual object surrounding her first. 
Bryan Keystone  that is well known for producing steam Punk image
Overall, featuring loads of images relating to machinery makes the design feel busy. This good because makes me want to explore the image rather than once area.

As I am becoming interested with the steampunk style,  I found two images from Deviart that catches my attention. There is a German designer known as MADmoiselle Meli who produces Steampunk themed customs. These two images show women wearing Victorian styled clothing, which is covered with metal objects. The lighting effects makes me focus on the leather and the the unusual looking gold gun. The light source makes the facial details look smoother and dynamic, which makes the face the main focal point.  This image alone promotes Steampunk customs as very detailed, quite disturbing, unusual and very creative. 

The poses themselves looks very effective because their eyes are focusing onto the viewer. The way they are wearing their hats and holding their gun makes the images feel mysterious and powerful. Wearing the hat in a unusual way portrays them  having an interesting and maybe weird personality. They looks powerful because the poses used are well structured, the shadows gives them more depth and her giant gun makes her look intimidating. 

timenaut-1-520x735.jpg (JPEG Image, 520x735 pixels)

This is the weirdest Steampunk drawing of any-kind so far. It presents the human anatomy as machine parts and therefore it creates a disturbing feel for the audience to experience. On the other-hand, the organs and the skin looks very organic, thus making it look like a cyborg. 

Due to the circle in the background taking a form of a a halo, it looks very religious. The position of the head and body reminds me of the pose made by Jesus on the image below. This design feature is appropriate style Victorians were very religious.



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