Friday 28 February 2014

Af 106 interaction design

Welcome everybody to my first post of this assignment. Today's posts discusses the overall the brief. This includes analysing the requirements and the overall project aims, which is creating an Ibook document for level 3 students.

This current brief requires me to produce a piece of interactive I book document that enables level 3 students to learn a specific aspect of nature.  The book must utilises on wide range of media and interaction to ensure the Ibook is suitable for the iPad. Reefs or coral reefs was the selected subject. During the task of discovering the facts, I discovered hat reefs is a massive topic therefore, I had chose the most relevant concepts to ensure I meet the pitch deadline. However, I have found interesting facts about corals and etc that makes me determined to carry on with this project.

Overall the blog and sketch book aspect of it requires me to conduct research on existing and inspirational E pub books that offer interaction and great interface design. To make this activity benefit my design, I will be using the questions provided in Bowel's article and the terms used by many scholars familiar to this field.  In addition, I will find out the design processes and considerations  of producing products on an iPad. This will include image size and other sources from the web that will assist me.  Topic research is required to enable to produce a comprehensible book that enable level 3 students to get a grasp of the overall topic.

Another massive requirement is the assets folder. Simply this is to enable me to track our information to see whether it is included in the book.

Although this blog has covered certain aspects of time management, the site must have screen shots of me arranging my time. A time management post will be published online two to three times a week to demonstrate by strong ability organising my time.  In terms of order, I will develop my ideas first to ensure my own concepts are established rather than depending on existing ideas. I was influenced by reading articles based on facts and experiences of designing interfaces and usability to ensure users accomplish task.

Eva Lotta Lamm's presentation into the process of designing a user face and interaction design has inspired me to use my sketch book to an advance level.  I will draw out a structure of the brief, which providing level 3 students with captivating information on an I pad. This type of brainstorm will include the devices used, location, where, how and why.  There will be low fedility flow ch and storyboards to enable me to get feedback. Producing high fidelity documents will include prototypes, mocks ups, such as showing the visual style and navigation.

For my research, I am going to write bullet points, add word counts, plan in my sketch book to ensure there is no unnecessary content. I might get people to peer mark my content, such as a friend to give me any suggestions to improve.

After the presentation I will attempt to allot enough time for user testing in the public. The user must not be designers because they would already aware of the design.

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