Wednesday 5 February 2014

Soundtrack and update

Soundtrack is one of the most essential aspects of this video design. They create the atmosphere and exxagerates the movement. Overall I have used many whooshes, metal sounds, background nosies to achieve a darker effect. Sound Track Pro's library is fantastic but there were sound only available on the web. is a copyright free sound site that had great variety of sounds. Some audio clips on my clip originate from the site.

Overall the use of dark sounds and a chipmunk sound makes it obvious that this is about voice recording for a documentary. 

I have created many storyboards. I am going to create another digital that shows that I have listened to feedback and reconsider some of my chosen shots. I had to  delete and add some to ensure the time base video make sense. The pacing of the scene had to altered to ensure the video has different pacing.

There will be a quick recordings of a disk inserted into the laptop. This signifies that this going to be a voice recording for a video. Having it exiting the machine is a good cliffhanger because it is a strong action. 

The kitchen scenes were deleted to quicken the pace of the video. The original video did not convey a process of doing a voice recording for a YouTube. 

An intro and outro will be filmed tomorrow.Both of the them will contain a check list of what to do. The following instructions: get laptop, assemble microphone, turn on computer, do voice over and export on disk.  

Reflecting on the product, I think there is not enough very short clips of me speaking. Tomarrow I aim to record the last clips and insert them into Final Cut Pro in preparating to the pitch.

The next blog will be about the post production. I am still referencing to my 5 storyboards.



The main aim for a patent is to protect inventions and other recourses from being used unlawfully. This legislation provides owners the legal power to prevent their work from reproduced for commercial use.  In order for the product to be protect it must follow the guide from the list below(from the website) 

Your invention must:
  • be new
  • have an inventive step that is not obvious to someone with knowledge and experience in the subject
  • be capable of being made or used in some kind of industry
  • not be:

    a scientific or mathematical discovery, theory or method

    a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work

    a way of performing a mental act, playing a game or doing business

    the presentation of information, or some computer programs

    an animal or plant variety

    a method of medical treatment or diagnosis

    against public policy or morality.

Secondary Liability

This term refers to the person who arises when a party or a person breaks the law. The law comes into action when the person is either  'those who induce others to break the law' and  'those who control others who break the law'. 

Royalty Free

Music libraries, like Istock,  provide royalty free music applies the people do not have to pay any royalties. A royalty is a payment that has to made every time his or her work is used in public media. However, this does not suggest the songs are free to use. People have to pay a one of sum to gain the rights of using the music. Royalty free recourses are good for designers who are on a budget. 

Free SFX

In order to use the music on any videos, the creator and the website must be credited. As for use, it can be used commercially, such as on advertisements, You Tube videos and so on. However, the licences can be broken if the music is remixed, reproduced for profit and cannot claim to be the owner. Luckly, I am not to do any of those things listed above.

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