Wednesday 12 February 2014

Crit and review of post production stage

Earilar today was the crit of my final product. Overall I was very nervous because I feared the video was not up to standard. However, I was very surprised with constructive feedback.


This is the improved video

Overall the product receive very positive critical reviews. The choice of shots and the noise were the best aspects of the entire video. Everybody thought the journey I was conveying was clear. The use of the chip junk speak was an excellent decision on my peers part. Many friends suggested to add that the symbolise fast talking.

As for the theme, the beginning had a nice contrast compared to the bright room.

Many of my peers constructively said that the pace of the overall products was pretty good. Unlike the other example, I did not increased the speed of the video.

As for the criticism, there was not much. The only things that needed applying was synch the only finger clip scene. I only had a interface/ science fiction sound to symbolise the computer being on. I added a finger clip to fix the problem.

Legibility of the credit text was the other issue. A display font was white, making it legible on a white background. To solve the issue, I had to apply a thin drop shadow and then change the font into helvetica bold. As a result of applying these new design attribute the text can be read with ease.

As for the crit, I think that I am really glad with the constructive review.  I asked anyone for any more improvements but there were none. I have also demonstrated my ability to tell a story that justifies the process of planning this story.

Review of my video product

Overall I am pleased my with my overall product. One of the many little surprises of the entire video is the lighting effects. I used many glowing and blur effect to enhance the interface scenes. In a way this made the green resemble a science fiction designed interface.  

The pacing feels right as a result of making minor changes. Although there is an extra edit, it is still faithful to the storyboards. I manage to kept the timing consistent and the shots. 

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