Tuesday 10 June 2014

Crit Feedback

Critics gave me very constructive feedback that will enable me to improve the website's user experience. Generally the website was praised for its use of illustrations to make the website look captivating. The general theme and the use of imagery could draw the audience to read the website.

Today's post will focus on the suggestions given. Although there were minor issues, the quantity of content was a massive issue. One constructively stated that the quantity of the text makes the information overbearing and causes the layout to feel cramped. In response to this, the number of text is dramatically reduced.

One peer thought that having a fixed navigation bar is illogical due to the footer. I decided this was a strong case therefore, I removed the Jquery and the CSS that causes the graphical element to appear at the top of the page.  Other than replacing a few images, there is not much to do for this task.

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