Friday 6 June 2014

Logging of code

Learning code

One of the things I have learned on this project is to make-sure that the plugins or code are necessary for the user to experience. Using many plugins on CodeDrops could have made me lazy in terms of writing code. I managed to learn new code by watching You Tube videos. I was able to understand the overall code due to the presenter talking about the instructions and code. Understanding the syntax rather than placing a plugin improve my learning. A slider plugin was used but I watched a simple tutorial discussing about the code required to create the interactive element.  Due to fast approaching deadlines, I realised that coding a error free image gallery would have been impossible. However, I managed to separate the code into small parts to understand the CSS.
CSS3 code

Generally, CSS3 has prevented me from using image swap. The issue with image swap is the increase of bandwidth. The browsers has to make more hits to display the image, making uploading process a lot longer. In the late production stage, I realised that there a webkit feature known as filters. There are wide range of websites offering tutorials on how to apply them on websites. I studied the code on a couple of website before using it. Using RGB as a colour format instead Hex is a key component of this code. Experimenting with the code caused me to conclude changing the opacity and alpha channels for the RGB colours makes this colour format more flexible than the Hex pallet. 

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