Wednesday 11 June 2014

methods of programming

One of my inspirations for this project is have a fluid background. To achieve this I used web developer on Google to see other designer's code. I saw a website that uses section class to achieve the block of colour effect. To apply this onto my website, I used section classes that made sense to me. I used 100% to ensure that sections cover the width of the screen.

I came to realisation that symbols with nice effects. I wrote the conventional navigation bar but a h4 tag was placed to pushed down the text below the imagery. I originally used an inline element known as a span class. However, span classes appear on a same line, therefore, a task was performed to make them block. The solution for this was to place the words into h4 tags.

1 comment:

  1. A good practice is to use html to structure the content, and CSS to do the design part.
