Wednesday 11 June 2014

Using HTML class week 1

The basics

Although I have not learn any new HTML and CSS elements, I have discovered to create a visually pleasing layout using skeleton. Skeleton is a frame work that positions content in columns. Overall there are 16 columns that designers can use structure the content. I participated in an interesting exercise where I had to produce a very complex layout for a website using columns. The experiment was a success but the behaviour of the block level element prevented me from adding a break line. Block level elements are at 100% width and 0% in height and are drawn to the top left corner. The underline only appeared underneath the shortest paragraph. A HTML 5 element row was added to ensure the underline appeared underneath all paragraphs in the row.

Another interesting tips was using the nth child ta. The second tutorial involved us targeting the first character in each div's paragraph. To achieve this, we had to enter the target as follow html container p::first-letter. The target states that inside the HTMl file there is a container but inside this element are p tags. The ::first-letter informs the browser to target the first character in the p tag. This helped me realised that I need to have concise class names, such as news section, to help my code to offer flexibility.

Codeacemy is a great website for developing HTML and CSS skills. The website offers learners tutorials offer a learnable path and interactive text editor. Generally, the terms and the tags are professionally explained. I have recently finished the Jqery course, which was very useful. This post logs the very interesting tutorial.

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