Wednesday 4 June 2014

web filter

One of the changes I had to make with the site is the home navigation. As an hover effect, a background colour was applied on the anchor tag. My peer suggested that it made the navigation look very blocky. Webkit filter shadow feature was found on a website that allowed me to apply drop shadow on the SVGs. However, there is no information whether that the CSS3 property is supported by Firefox, so an underline was included in the hover effect. Adding this will not reduce the user experience. 


While looking at my sketchbook I realised that having a globe map revealing the location of the famous reefs was an efficient concept. After doing some drawing I managed develop an idea where the user would click the image, which takes them to a particular reef. For example, having the user selecting the image showing the New Caledonia's reef locations causes the website to scroll down the the Caledonia sub section. 

In response of my feedback from the previous Ibook project, I have produced diagrams featuring the website's graphic style and colour scheme. Overall, a artistic brush was created to make the smoke look believable. Shadows had to inserted to give the diagram depth. There is a fish diagram being developed as well. 

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