Tuesday 3 June 2014

my website code part 1

My design

Overall, the feedback about my design style has been very positive.  The simple design enables the content to be nice presented on all devices. I decided to apply flat colours with simple retro signs and shilouutes. The retro signs improves the readability for the content of the site. The darker tone of blue draws the users eyes to the paragraph after reading the heading, which is very important.

For my footer, I decided to include a border featuring corals. This was to ensure the user notices that this is the end of the page. Placing an image as a border for every section was the orginal plan but experimenting with the feature causes me to realised that this would make the website look clunky.

There are some graphs or diagrams that will be placed on the website. I feel that these diagrams need to be captivating, so I inserted the resources on Illustrator and then drew them using the pen tool. The final outcome shows graphs showing my visual style. Graphs can come across as uninteresting but applying visual style could allow them to catch the user's attention.

As a visual learner, I felt that incorporating symbols and words for the navigation system could entice the user to explore the subject of coral reefs.  Students are captivated by imagery therefore, it made sense to me that applying the retro designed symbols can enhance the user experience.


The project overall has allowed me to enter a interesting journey. I found sketching all of my designees and referring to them in the production stage was very useful. On the image above, building the website was an easy tasks because I planned the number of columns in my sketchbook. I planned the elements that are fixed and fluid. Naming my div tags in my sketchbook allowed me to insert the right backgrounds and colours. I placed a lot of illustrations as background into each section without making mistakes.  I placed all of the backgrounds as I intended.

A lot of planning went into this navigation bar

One of the many drawbacks for this projects was the workload. I felt that getting the right hierarchy and the user experience caused me to sketch regularly. I was  drawing many layouts, concepts and design elements in order get the website that targets the right audience. I had to developed a few brainstorms to truly understand the website's content and purpose. I realised journey is very essential part of the design, which will help me develop children's books over the summer hoildays

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