Monday 20 January 2014

Chase and fast scenes

Matrix Reloaded. 

One of the things I will mainly consider using in my video is the use of action sequences that would make a normal activity, such as making a cup of coffee look very intended.

The first thing associated with fast scene were fights. One of the most famous fight scenes appears in Matrix Reloaded. Lets go through what the infamous action sequence offers. 

From 0:01 to 0:03, the scenes reveals a villain shooting at a car. The most interesting aspect of the scene is after the second cut. The following scene shows the shooter’s perspective of shooting. As it turns out, he is trying to destroy the car. There are many behind and mid shots.

The scenes in the 0:03 to 0:14 features a large number of edits. The great use of cuts in the cars creates a flow and maintains the excitement. The most noticeable thing about the scene is when a edit is made as the woman turns her head. The following scene shows a slow motion clips of car flying in the air. There are 4 edits that show different perspectives of the scene, including an Aerial view and a low angle shot. 

Another great scene is when the ghost enters the car at 0:26. An edit is made when a character in the cars move or dramatic events occurs. The camera focuses on the bold headed guy as he points a gun. After the gun is dropped , the camera reveals the gun’s destination. This is a great example to get inspiration from videos with loads of edits. The pace is maintained due to the use of very close shots.

Effects enhances the overall action sequence. The use of using fast motion effect on the person standing on the roof produces an interesting effect(1:46).  As the person dodges the gun shot, there are duplicates of him. 

Overall this is a great inspiration for effects and the number of edits. The feel of the sequence is striking and disorientating due to the use of camera views. 

This a clip of a movie that appeals to the younger audience. 

Although I am not a great fan of Too Fast and Furious, there are racing scenes are very captivating. The ready scene has the most effective edits. After the woman shouts out ready, suddenly a woman inside a car appears. After she says ready, suddenly there is loud racket of a car engine preparing to travel at fast speed. The scene is believable because the sound is accompanied by speedometer showing a high figure. The scene is fast enough for it to build the action. 

Another great aspect of the clip is used of sound and lighting effects. The brightness of the car lights strikes the audiences’ eyes, allowing the scene to maintain its appeal. 

The 1:12 to the end of the video is main focal point of this video is the race scene.  I realised the edit occurs at 1 or 2 seconds.  This characteristic conveys the racing theme and excitement of racing at a fast speed. An edit occurs when the cars turn, increase their speed or when the person is changing gears. This signifies that racing is intense and fast experience. This reinforces the movies title. 

In order to produce this one of a kind clip, cameras costing over 1000 pounds minimum must have be positioned on fast production vehicles. The speed of the car applies that the camera is able to detect fast traveling objects. Having so many edits would suggest that the recording the entire clip must have taken 1-3 days. Storyboard must have been used to plan the entire sequence. 

Although doing this type of thing would be impossible for me. However, applying this concept to a everyday activating would captivate my audience. 

Unlike the previous examples, this is less jarring due to the use of cross cut. Two different perspectives, the woman and the man, are presented to give a intense feel. 

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