Saturday 18 January 2014

New Brief and What is Time Based Media

After we completed the book cover assignment, we were given a brief provides the instructions and the requirements of creating a catchy video.  The name of the new assignment is Time Based Media. Time based are the words that signify video editing in my mind.

When looking into the assignment, we all discovered that we will be creating a 15-20 second video sequence with the minimum of 30 edit. This video to show people an insight a journey or some other linear event. It must have elements of comedy, horror or present something in a post modern way. These events range from everyday events, such as tying a shoe to opening a door. We have the option of producing a 3 second intro with text to introduce the video. This will be addition to the 15-20 seconds.

Here are the main requriements stated in the brief:

  • A 15-30 second clip 
  • A minium of 30 clips
  • Using different audio
  • This is not compulsary- add an intro
  • Copyright source if audio is used
  • Using only 3 still images
  • Use sound to enhance the video showing the journey
  • Must be dynamic 
  • Outsider where the assets come from 
  • Insert any type of feeling into the clip(horror) 

15-20 second clip 

With that done let's talk about more about the indivual requirements.

The aim for this project is to overall produce a 15-30 second clip. The assets have to be filmed and the edited  in video editing software known as Final Cut Pro. I need to demonstrate that we have professionals skills in doing this. To achieve this we must apply screen shoots of the pre production and productions stages of our work.

The solution to meet this requirement is to film the clips with the I phone. The phone itself is capable at recording at 720 and 1080p. To create an effective clip it is best to keep very simple, not filming a chase from London to Brighton. There would not be enough time for it to effectively show for its target audience.

30 edits for 20 seconds would mean the edits should be around 1.5  frames for each second. This means a lot of clips have to appear within one second or use multiple edits on one clip.
In addition to this, we can include an introduced that will be added to the 3 second clip.

30 edits

The other essential part of the  assignment is the 30 edits. It states on the briefs that the minimum of 30 cuts. This means that I cannot use 29 edits because the clip would not be able to meet the brief.
Edits is basically the change of scene. This includes the change of perspective,

In breif I intend to use all 30 edits to create a product that is very entertaining. To create an interesting video, I will have to be adventurous by conducting detailed research, getting lots of inspirations and plan constantly.  To plan effectively, I have to develop very detailed storyboards and sketches to ensure that the planning enables me to use the right scenes.
30 edits for 20 seconds would mean the edits should be around 1.5  frames for each second. This means a lot of clips have to appear within one second or use multiple edits on one clip.
In addition to this, we can include an introduced that will be added to the 3 second clip.

To ensure that I have enough clips for 30 edits, it is recommended to film 40 minutes worth of video.

Additional intro or outro

This is one the optional parts of the video sequence. However, this must be 3 seconds long and it must appear at either at the intro or outro. It is most likely that I will use an intro to introduce my viewers to the content. I will most likely use text animation to ensure that the audience are captivated by the content. To get inspirations, I will conduct research into motion graphics and then create mood boards on my sketch book and justify my decisions.

Adding a sequence is also essential to allow the audience to get the theme of the video immediately. An outro may not be included  because I intend to produce a snappy video, a requirement of the brief.

Sequence showing a journey

With this video, I must show a journey that captivates the audience. To get ideas of the content video, I will conduct detail research into short clips that are funny and terrifying. This will range from Go Pro to blockbuster movies. The thing that the client suggest that it should only entertain, not interact. I will also explore  very entertaining videos in the market. 

To start off the process, I will use my sketch book for brainstorming, sketches and mood boards. The storyboards on the other hand have to be sketched or photography and then exported as a PDF. This will be shown as  evidence on the blog and on the server, which is the requirement. To create this video, I aim to produce 3 detailed storyboards for the general ideas and then select the chosen idea. There will be another story board that will go in depth in the edits. The story board will contain a minimum of 30 images.

Time Based Media

In video editing, it is a form of art that relies on dimension of time. As a medium, time based media are usually videos, pictures or audio. Time based media clips present the experience over a period of time. Many clips in this category have use a jump cross effect to make look amaturly edited. However, it does clearly help the editor to convey a sense of time in his or her videos. 

As for its history, this genre of videos date back to the 1960's. Bruce Norman presented a video showing happenings in his gallery.  Ever since, this has inspired many artist and directors, including Alfred alfred hitchcock' phycho. I am putting some examples of jump editing and timed based media on the next article.

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