Wednesday 29 January 2014

Presentation review

Overall there presentation was praised for having a unique way of pitching a story. I used real images to present my final storyboards. I thought this method would enable me to get the most essiental feedback given by my peers. It was applied that many of my peers thought that it is a good idea that is relevant and is very achievable.

As for my inspirations, showing the examples ranging from Great Expectations to Go Pro videos  demonstrates that have conducted a lot of effort researching into adverts, short clips and movies. Overall the pace of this section felt very slow. However, it was necessary to show them to show the theme and the characteristics of my video.

Overall the suggestions given was to apply a psychologically aspect to the video. To achieve this, I must use a lot of dygetic sounds, such as loud footsteps and breathing. Presenting great expectations as my example enabled a peer to suggest to add lighting effects that change the mood of the overall environment.

Although I stated that the voice over idea  only idea that I wanted to developed, I should have provided a diagram showing the why.

For my final idea, I am going to apply a dark environment to the stage. There is a possibility that black and white filters will be added to provide an intimidating feel. To add some contrast, I will make the second half of the clip have colour. A more detailed post on my final design will published today.

From this point, I am going to sketch a range of ideas to achieve the psychological feel. This needs to be applied because having the use to sounds only will not make a bold impact. With my blog, I am continuing to conduct research into adverts, sounds and inspirational clips.

The rating of my prevent is as follows

Theme: 9/10
Pace: 8/10
Um and you knows: 7/10
Text per slide: 10/10
Clear and logical path: 9/10

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