Friday 24 January 2014


At this time, I am creating the final storyboards for my assignment. I edging to produce a time based video about preparing and doing a voice over. This is my chosen idea because it takes more than half an hour to complete the process. This includes getting water, logging on, prepare the microphone, close the door, change the preferences, record, applying effects and then export.

The aim of this story is to protray doing voice over as partly serious, enjoying and energetic. To create a contrast to enjoy and a captivating video, a cliffhanger showing me getting frustrated by the exporting function not function might get included but this will depend on the amount of time the other scene consumes.

I originally intended to produce a comical based video about cooking a cake. The only that concerned me is that the ending scene would show me dropping the cake. However, this would apply I would need to purchase more than one cake to show different camera views  and if anything goes wrong. However, by tonight if I do find a solution it most likely be the no 1 candidate.

Going to the cafe idea was another concept but had to be scrapted. This was due inability of getting more than one person to film the project. Although I would enjoy producing this video, I am concern that people and places may not tolerate this as well.

An outro would a great idea that would enable me point out the moral of the video( the connotation). With the audio recording video, the outro scene would reveal words like prepare, record and export to right format or check before export. I will need to brainstorm ideas and effect created in either After Effects or Motion. This blog will cover the disadvantages of using After Effects.

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