Tuesday 7 January 2014

review of my pitch

Today's pitch was another interesting experience. In terms of feedback many of my peers provided me with excellent constructive feedback. 

As for the feedback, the book cover's colour scheme and typography was praised. Many of my peers that the quality of the graphical elements, such as the signs, complimented the retro feel. One of my peers quoted that I my design demonstrates that I enjoy designing digital art.

With praises, they must be constructed comments. Although my book poster had a very good layout, there were too many elements for the poster. To solve this, I have deleted the signs and the large road.

People thought that the same issue occurred with the front cover. My peers suggested that having the neon text in addition to the quote. Positioning the text inside the red sign makes the page look less busy. However, to ensure there is no too many empty space, I will include an iconic signifier that gives the audience an insight of what the story provides. 

This also address the issue of the cover not conveying the gang theme. I also had to delete the words neon text because people thought that the use of the type of language in that context would not have been able to enter the competition. 

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