Monday 17 March 2014

Chapter 2 summary with photos

Whilst I was brainstorming, I realised that I wanted to provide information that offers a large scope. The main theme selected for this chapter was the famous reefs. The research involved caused me to explore facts and figures about the Great Barrier reef, and extra information that comes across as surprising. There were 4 areas I explored: Great Barrier, Rea Sea, New Caledonia and Florida reefs. These famous reefs represent a section within this c
This is the Great Barrier Reef

Green Turtle is one of the most common sea creature
in the New Caledonia Reef

The Rea Sea reef is among the most diverse areas
in the planet

To create an interesting chapter, I explored concept from another chapter, fishes, and then put the fishes section into the 2nd chapter. However, I thought that I would be great to search for fishes can be only found in specific reefs. Each famous reef has now a fish section that offers simple facts. Fish play essential role in the reefs ecosystem, therefore this content is relevant. 

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