Wednesday 26 March 2014

Crit feedback

The feedback given was very positive regarding the design and content aspects. The most positive constructive feedback were the interaction elements and the theme. I decided to apply a coral feel in order to make a bold design for a book. I originally thought this characteristic would have come across as immature but they thought otherwise. The overall design maintains the audience's attention.

The interactive elements were only placed when they are necessary.  Many of the peers suggested that all of interaction is very bold in terms of making the Ibook appeal to people in the 16-19 age demographic. 

There was not much constructive criticism that occurred  The elements on the interactive map was the only thing that need changing to improve the interface design.  Solving this will be achieved by ensuring the buttons are smaller and arrows leading to the specific places of these tourist destinations are included. 

When reflecting on the product, I need  to insert some signs that makes every interaction element self explanatory. For example, the scrolling text will be accompnaied by a sign, scroll down. 

Other than that, there are minor consistency and optimisation issues that need solving.

I orginally did not include this navigation element. However, after deciding that students need to navigate through the book with ease, I implemented this.  The feedback given during the crit about this feature was very positive.

FG 2

To ensure the audience can navigate back to the home page, I insert a home page. This home page is connected to an invisible figure on the navigation page. There will be some illustrations surrounding it to make blend with the book's theme.  With the image of the Great Barrier Reef, I applied a lightbox effect to the picture to enable the user to view the vibrant image at a greater detail. 

There were circumstances where some blocks of text featured too text to be postioned on one page. The widget, scrolling, helped the high quantity of text to fit one page. This minimised the amount 

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