Saturday 8 March 2014

Interaction investigation bookry

 I conducted an investigation into the interactive elements available on both the Ibooks author and Bookry. I will also do another article on practices and methods of applying usability and interaction design onto apps. 

The image on the right presents an image gallery where users can select a thumbnail to see an image. When thumbnail is selected a large version of it appears on the slider. Ibook enables the audience to increase to its maximum size by clicking it. I suppose it shows a Lightbox effect. Although I enjoy concept of this, I think the user experience can be improved the text was positioned on the right hand side. From a young age, we have been taught to read from left to right. Therefore it would feel natural to the user to look at the text and then focus to the image. However, the scale of the thumbnails are reasonable, making it have good interface design attributes. 

 The image featuring the girls was used for experimentation.  There is another widget on Ibooks where designers can insert dialogs where the person can insert relevant content.  The boldest aspect of the experience is the zoom in transition effect. Applications with this makes website look sluggish, therefore this prompts the user to leave the site. Short animation is great for distracting the audience for a small periods of time. 
Do not let the image of the woman deceive you. It is a link to Vimeo video. Although there is a method where designers can use Ibook widget to upload videos, Vimeo's version would enhance the user experience. As embedding or linking it to the video consumes less memory,  the Ipad would be able to upload the book and the video efficiently. Without the text, this is not self evident because there is no play logo that signifies video.  There must be an option on the widget that inserts the symbol. 
This is a great widget that would allow the concept of presenting the effect of polluting presented on a interactive gallery to be achieve . This widget's purpose is to show the before and after. This type of interaction is usually used to present before and after effect. The balloon example shown on the image is a great example of this.  It subsequently shows the coloured image and then the unsaturated version.
Google Maps is one of the most common web applications used my internet users. Bookry offers a widget where a designer can insert a map on a page. Especially in nature based book, using a map widget would allow the user to visually see the position of the landmarks. Many of my audience would never know the location of the New Caledonia reef, therefore, it would great for visually given them information.  This would prevent them leaving the book and then searching for the location on a browsers and it will reduce the mental work load. 

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