Sunday 30 March 2014

User Testing and production log

This post records my production and my user testing.

In IBooks Author, I was able to insert a Keynote presentation as a video. Keynote has a Quicktime export function that is very efficient. Although the video operates well at presenting the presentation at 720p, there is an issue of the widget increasing the file size. I have kept the use of them to a minimum. 

Bookry's You Tube/Vimeo widget enabled me to maintain an appropriate file size. These widgets embeds the video onto the book.  Having these videos enable the final product to correspond with the concepts and the developmental storyboards. 

Applying pop out menus to images is one achievement that enhances the user experience. Students get put off at reading multiple columns of text.  This form of interaction causes them to consume the information in bite size chunks. This interactive element occurs throughout the document.   Many notices signifying that selecting theses images would reveal more content have been placed.  Overall this has reduced the number of pages and enhance the user experience. 

This was among the most unanticipated elements to appear on the final product.  There was a doubt that having a navigation system like the image above was impossible due to the restraints that the software offers.  Using You Tube as a tutorial guide,  I found the solution and applied it to the product.  This attribute has made the reading experience non-linear. 

There have been circumstances where I had to input an image gallery with text to reduce the number of pages.  A realisation of students not wanting read through a book without navigating through 50 pages with loads of text occurred in the development state.  I thought that having 35+ pages would reduce the user experience so I have been keeping the text to minimum. When the chapters and sections were imported, the book was already 40 pages, which was too much. I made the book concise by presenting some information in different  techniques, such as presentations and videos and placing important text beneath an images. 

The image above shows the gallery with a paragraph of content. Although I think it can be reduced down, the image and drop in point makes the text readable and learnable. 

As mentioned in my storyboard, the book should be able to make the audience remember the content. Applying quizzes and other interactive elements enables the designs to engage the student with the book. This might portray the reefs as a fascinating subject, which could entice students to explore in order to get a wider scope. 

User testing

I conducted user testing on 3 general people a week ago. Observation was the method used for this user testing. I asked them to perform a task and then view their responses, facial expression, the length of time of completing the task and other things. 

I concluded that navigation was a success but they recommended to make the button have unique symbol. It took little time to navigate throughout pages. They all compliment the contrast between the text and the background. The general theme was also complimented.  2 of the users's faces gave the impression that some pages had too much information. 1 suggested that the book should be restricted to 2 paragraphs per page and feature signs on how to use interactive elements.  There were also other improvements. Now I have agreed to test the product on some people tomorrow. 

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