Friday 7 March 2014

Existing Ibook Research

 UX and user face heuristics competitive

BBC skeleton

Overall this is a very dull but very interactive book. This book features widgets were uses the closely spectate the skeletons.  As for the design, there is a clash of imagery and text issue. The book gave me a long and unappealing impression due to the high number of pages.  

It's it made for humans

This Ibook developed by the  BBC features a great user experience due to the content being relevant. Although some pages have little text, they all help the user to understand the overall topic of skeletons. It is a enable experience because it offers a great range of videos and interactive images. There is content about what are skeletons and their components, which makes it interesting for audiences who learn visually. 


This example of a Ibook offers beginners content that they can get to grasp with. It provide glossaries on many pages, reducing the amount mental work flow.  There are no extra and confusing graphical logos that makes the process of reading through the book long and un-captivating. 


The text colour enables the captions, headings and paragraphs text to be very legible to its target audience. The book establishes hierarchy due to the scale and the boldness of the headings. However,  there are many pages where white skeleton in the background clashes with the text. Some of the text becomes illegible. 

Self Evident

There is one chapter in the book where there is a detailed table of contents. Although the underline is applied to suggests a link, the quantity of them causes the scale of the links to be in the lower levels of hierarchy.

Overall, some aspects of the navigation the interactive gallery are average at best. This is because the small circle are too small for people see. This is not efficient user face design due to the fact that small dots that do not symbolise links as thumbnails. It also goes against Fit's Law where bigger navigation menus quickens the process. 


The overall design of the ebook consists of very consistent and visually pleasing layouts. Users can differentiate the video page from an ordinary content's page.  There is only a heading and a caption that describes the video. There are only some video pages with more information. Each chapter has a nice and consistent quantity of interactive elements. 


The ebook successfully produces text relevant text summarises in each chapter. There is short text summarises information, allowing the audience the grasp the information. There is detailed text but a glossary is provided to ensure audience can comprehend the information. 

Trust worthy

I have attempted to discover any bugs but all of the default widgets made by Ibook operate efficiently  All of the dialog boxes do not malfunction. 

Anestheic and minimalist design

One of the boldest aspects of this design is the brief and relevant information inserted into the dialogs boxes. There are some images where there reasonable sized boxes that enable people to interact. When the words are selected, a small dialog box appears containing  a brief definition of the term. The quantity of information is great for maintaining the flow of the reading pace. 

Help and documentation

Many of the buttons and the interactive elements are very user friendly. The design consists of clear buttons and symbols that enable people to interact with the videos and the images. I books offers a great navigations system where users can select a specific chapter.  Overall there is no need to place help documentation. 

User control and freedom 

If the user accidentally enter full screen mode of the videos, there is an option called done that enables them to undo the action. When the cursor is active on the button, it changes colour, applying that the link is working. Being positioned on the top left makes it stand out to the user's eyes.

When users activate the dialog box, there is no symbol that applies the undo button. There might be a case where the designer should input a x button. 

Nature 1 

This is one of the most uninspiring Ibooks on the market. The designer has not contributed enough time to produce a photo book with a captivating theme. There are only templates and designs provided by Ibooks Author.  As a book, this would most likely not appeal to a young audience due to the fact that text and layout comes across as dull. 

It's it made for humans

Certain aspects of the Ibook fail delivery in terms of usability. There is no clear context of why this book has been created and who it is targeting. It only features images with little text. Without an introduction or any description  users may find it this is an unclear photo book.  The usability can be enhanced if there was text that offer the audience an sight of its value and what method are used to take these high quality images. 


Although navigating to other page is a  simple process, getting lost is quite easy. There are no page numbers to help user find the chapters, make  reference points and specific pages. Having no table of contents at the beginning increases the time for 


In terms of legibility  then yes due to good practices. Adding a semi transparent book behind  the heading creates enough contrast for the user to read the text. However, when the user enters the gallery, some latin text are inserted into the heading. This gives an impression that the text was not developed problem and design was rushed to complete.  

Self Evident

Entering the light box gallery is no easy task. Although sensitive controls have been applied to the cursor, there is not enough information for the user to realise that the image on the left is an interactive link. There should be a symbolise that signify the gallery. 

Trust worthy and predictable 

Overall to the bad user experience and interface design problem, users may be prompt to leave the book. The design should rearrange the chapter and develop new concepts of presenting these photos. 

Anestheic and minimalist design 

Although using a high quality on a page looks quite impressive and easy on the eye, but not having any information creates a situation where the user would get confused and find this book has no context. 

User control and freedom

Users have the control of exiting the light box gallery by pressing done. However, the hover effect should alert them that the image on the side is an link.  Apply this offers the user choice between of enlarging the image or ignoring it. 

Our world 

Generally I partly enjoy reading through this book. Although the theme needs improve, the quantity of text and the image quality is professional. The chosen font and the text size enabled me to learn the key points that the book is conveying. 

It's it made for humans

In comparison to the previous nature Ibook example, the context of the book is superior. Each image is accompanied with information about the bird. There is enough content that allows the audience to understand the bird. 

The only aspect that needs improving is the interaction. I do admire the designer keeping design simple, there is a sense where some interactive elements are needed to make the experience memorial and emotional. 


Although there is no tables of content, it is  quite hard to get lost. There are no additional buttons that leads to videos, games and among other pages. It is basically going through the book. The documentation provides a glossary and the basic information would allow a person the truly understand it. The pages have individual pages, making each page stand out. 


Each page has enough contrast  that cause the text to be legible. There are some pages where there is a white or semi black transparent background applied to ensure the large text does not clash with the imagery. The only thing I would say is the scale of the text is inconsistent. 

Self Evident

Although navigating through the book is no issue, there is issue of this not following the interface design principles. The links are underlined in web and application design.  The user may not sure whether the links leading to glossaries and references are selectable. 

Trust worthy

One of the boldest aspect of the design is the use a bottoms that directly links to the reference. This demonstrates that the information is accurate, making it trust worthy. The references lead to interesting websites, which may allow the user to explore within this subject. 

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