Monday 17 March 2014

Chapter 3 summary and photos

Dynamite fishing is one of the most common threats
Corals need clear light sources to grow. Pollution would cause
the light to disappear. 

Corals die without clean water

Touching damages the corals

Originally, I intended to separate the famous events and treats into 2 chapters. However, I managed to integrate them due to event having the threat theme. Overall I found that the reefs are in decline due environmental and tourist factors. I separated the threats into 3 sections that offers a genial threats that the reefs are experiencing. There is a section where it explains that concrete blocks are used mimmic the reefs. I felt that this chapter explores outside the box and would be useful for science and geology students. When I was searching around for information about this coral reef subject, this was one of the most common search results. Overall it would also help potential environmental workers to get the scope of what the condition of the natural habitat is in the reefs. 

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