Wednesday 12 March 2014

More research and flat ul designs

Flat design has been part of the current trend as of last year.  Although the style is not new, many design use this characteristics in many web and app design. Windows 8 was one of the pioneers to experiment with this style but they were heavily criticised. However, style was perpetuated because many apps used to make the userface design look simple. Flat user face design consists of no gradients,  making it look clear. 

I have realised that almost all flat interface designs consists of high chroma colours. However these colours are slightly different than the original hue. For example, the greens in this chart look more like turquoise. I think it is really unique as a colour scheme but the high chroma colour could clash. 

One aspect of the colour scheme I really enjoy looking at the greys and the blues. The blues, especially wet asphalt , look very soft to eyes, making them very good candidates for a reef book design. 

Here is one website with a vibrant colour scheme. This features a high value yellow and a green sea. legibility is great on the green because the tinted yellow text is very noticeable. Due to the value of the colour higher than green, it is one of the main focal points on the design.

Research final

Although I have found very bad examples of nature Ibooks with not atheistically pleasing designs and lack of interactions. This I book looks too uninspiring to read  due to the lack of a specific theme. I generally feel this ibook about space should have an energetic theme

It's it made for humans

Although the interaction aspect is great, there are so many pages were the user experience is reduced due to the quantity of text. The image on the right features a lot of text that would cause people to loose track.  Ideally if an Ibook was to be successful  it must be build for boarder audience.


Although there is a very small possibility that the user would have great difficulty to undo actions. However, there is no general chapters menu where users can acess whenever required. This book is quite long, therefore, finding a section of interest consumes a lot of time. Applying a table of contents on each slide should improve the finding experience.


As the colour scheme is at its basic, there is no legibility issues with the text. There accessibility could be enhanced if there was some theme with the text. Adding character to the text should improves its readability  However the colour red is an aggressive colour that symbolises anger. Maybe this is not the best colour for a heading. 

Many of the interaction pages have a slightly different layout and design. There is a page where there is number pad and a large image. Comparing it to the other pages , this is very unique  This is a great attribute because users need to differentiate a static page to an interactive page. 


Due to the information looking concise and the design not resembling of an advertisement, there is lot of credibility for the information. Overall I do enjoy the concept of it providing many videos to reinforce the information. 

Anestheic and minimalist design

The overall design is at the most basic level. It only features a simplistic colour scheme that makes the book create a dull impression. Maybe this book needs to apply flat UI colours to make it attract a wide audience. 

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