Sunday 2 March 2014

Summary on chapters 1

Todays article will be about the information gathered for chapters 1 and 2 for my Ibook. There will a summary information about what where discovered, provide some images and provide some useful URLS. These chapters and content are based on the concept developed on the visual brainstorm.

These are hard corals

With chapter 1, I thought that the best way of allow the level 3 students to understand the subject is to start with the basics. Definition and stats were included to provide the audience an insight of the reefs subject I discovered that reefs consists of large underwater structures that have been developing for millions of years. The reefs are consistently growing due to an animal known as a hard coral extracting carbonate calcium  from the sea. This makes their skeleton hard, changing it into limestone. 

Before I explored other concepts, I thought that a breif and simple gloossary was needed.  It was discovered the terms on this subject are quite broad, ranging from sea creatures to famous events, such as Bikini Atoll. This content was inserted so that the audience can refer to it when the student does not understand certain jargon. Adding a glossary enables documentation to anticipate the audiences' needs. As I stated, the Ibook needs to be concise and clear so that students, particularly biology pupils,  can use the research for group work, assignments and presentations. 

barrier reef

The rest of chapter defines the many categories of reefs and corals. The most common categories of reefs are atolls, fringer and barrier. Both atolls and fringers are the 2 most occuring coral reefs in the world. Although there is the Great Barrier Reef, there are few recorded in areas such as the Indian Ocean. 
black corals

Hard coral primarily reside in reefs, soft and black corals are also kinds of corals. There was some information where some corals can be lethal to humans.

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