Sunday 30 March 2014

Other research


Before I started developing the assets in Illustrator, I had to conduct research into many variations of the iPad. Today’s post focuses on the screen dimensions and the retina display screens. 

A source on the internet applied that Ibooks Authors presents a document at 1024 by 768. However, I realised that DPI on normal and retina display iPads are different. Retina display iPad presents images at 326 . The charts below offers the usage of each variation of the iPad. There is also a factor where the  availability of the retina display is greater than the normal versions.  Apple has recently stop mass developing the Ipad 2.

ibooks vs books

This section reviews both books and Ibook. The traditional method of gathering research is from a text book. Many examples of academic text books offers the reader the experience of holding a object made of paper. Many readers enjoy experience the process of turning the pages and hearing the sound of the pages flipping.

 Although it reading a book is very nostalgic , there many occurring problems with this medium. Based on Steve Job’s theory, text books can be very heavy objects to carry. Due to their books being non-interactive, visual learners may have difficulty to understand the content. It is very common in academic books  to offer small learnability to the images being small and the text being unreadable. A jarring layout is a component of making reading and understand a difficult process

Ibooks are electronic books available on computers and graphics tablets.  Ibooks software offer learners and readers the ability to store a high quantity of books in one device. This reduces the weight carried by them. Ibooks offer books containing video, quizzes and other interactive elements. Many students are visual learners therefore, these features enables them to decode information with ease. 

Electronic books can also have a negative impact on the reading. Pages relying on videos to present information is greatly affected when the strength of the wi fi is weak. Many designers embeds You Tube and Vimeo videos on the books. Embedded videos are stored on external servers belonging to the site. 

Another issue with this market is the lack of innovative designers. Whist in my research, all of the examples had unappealing designs and concepts. There are many books that offers bad readability due to the design not following the design principle relating to colour and type. Many of the materials analysed featured left aligned text. 

There are sometimes where many designers apply bad user experience to the books. Except for 1, there was no help documentation that helps the user to interact with the iPad. Many of them applied normal text colours for links. It is a common code to apply blue text to signify links. 

Chose a typeface


I was struggling to select the chosen main body font. Smashing magazine had great research material. This page was useful so I conduct research into the best designs. 

Stroke contrast was one the aspects of text design I searched into. A high contrast text is great making a high quantity of text readable. Many fonts with a high contrast offer great clarity. Text with monolinear applied suggest that the font has a low contrast. Designers have to be very conscious when using monolinear fonts.

The best fonts for reading usually contain a tall x height. X height refers to the distance of the vertical area of the lowercase letters. According to the source, fonts with this attribute takes advantage of maximising activity. It prevents characters, such as S, from appearing to dark to the reader. More importantly it offers clarity. 

The rhythm along the line is one key factor that either makes the text legible or illegible. This term refers to the natural flow of the negative space between the characters.

 When deciding the font, designers need to consider the features that identify the font. One of them Optical size. The font’s rhythm text is the attribute that dictates the readability of a block of text. Helvetica is great example of deceiving people. Although the font is very popular its tight rhymth makes it a unsuitable font for blocks of text.

Navigation Research 

Ibooks author


This is navigation on a email based app on the Ipad. I realised that the use of white and empty space causes the navigation to be clear to the user. There are symbolic signs that makes each button unquie. Immediately, a file finder with paper signifies inbox. This characteristic enables the user to quickly activate the page that they intend to enter. 

In addition, there is a red sign circle that alerts the user to enter the mail page. Red is a powerful colour that strikes the human eye. The audience would most likely see the red before the mail symbol. 

There are primary and secondary navigation bars that enables the app to differentiate  the most important 

According to this image, I seems that the main navigation bar can disappear by pressing the button. The logo with the 6 six squares suggest that the vertical navigation bar on the image only appears when the user touches the symbol. The positive about this characteristic is that the page has a better composition in terms of empty space.  Overall the size of the buttons causes the experience of navigating through the sports app easy for Ipad users. 

There has been a trend where many apps use large blocks to achieve an efficient navigation system. Windows 8 are the pioneers of this style. This news paper app features a very striking navigation bar that separates the categories of news into sections. Having pages with smaller chunks of news makes the overall app feel understandable.  Without this, the apps would be unusable and unstructured. Compared to app tested on an Iphone, I rather have an app that separates the content into different pages.

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